School eLockers™ provides teachers with the 'glue' that enables quick, effective use of modern technology, whether deploying BYOD, 1:1 or Class Sets of devices. It allows for:
- Access to network home folders from any location, through any device
- Simple sharing of content across an entire class or to an individual student
- Secure on-premises access
- comment with text or speech, rate and tag
- Private 1:1 feedback
- Automated collection of student work
Time is Everything
Teachers dont have time to setup, manage and maintain classes and student lists. School eLockers™ is designed to connect to a school‘s Student Management System. Shared content spaces, called eLockers, are automatically created for every class a teacher teaches. Students are automatically added and maintained in the appropriate classes.
School eLockers™ is NOT a Learning Platform or VLE. Many schools already implement learning platforms in one form or another. School eLockers™ is an extension of a school‘s existing infrastructure, and can be integrated within existing learning platforms if required. School eLockers™ was developed with educators, for Education.
Make it Secure
Schools need to know WHERE their DATA is, and WHO has access to it. Most schools already have well developed and maintained network storage and home folders for students and staff. School eLockers™ has been designed as an appliance that can sit on a physical box or VM within a school‘s network. eLockers can point directly to, and make use of home folders. School eLockers™ provides a simple, secure way to access storage normally trapped behind a school‘s firewall and not easily accessible from home or on mobile devices. With School eLockers™, the school knows exactly where their data is, as they own and control the infrastructure directly.
Make it Connect
Most Schools already provide well established protocols for managing and maintaining users within their network. The vast majority tend to use either Active Directory or LDAP. School eLockers™ provides Active Directory and LDAP integration. The end result for users, is a single username and password. The end result for the network administrators is a known, trusted, secure framework for authentication.

Request a trial today!
If you would like a free trial of School eLockers™, just use the link below and complete the details on the form provided.